Imagine yourself in a reality show. The plot? You and the other contestants must find a certain city, locate a certain neighborhood, and fill a certain role. No one tells you were to go. No one gives you direction on what city to choose. Your only clues are found in a bag of items given to you before the start of the contest. In this bag are all the clues you need to find your city, find your neighborhood, and find your place.
This is the basic premise of You Can Be Everything God Wants You to Be, by Max Lucado. In the book, Lucado asserts that God gives each individual a sweet spot in which we are made to dwell. By analyzing our natural abilities and skills, we can find this sweet spot and fulfill God’s plan for our lives.
As always, Lucado writes a superb book. Simple and practical, You Can Be Everything God Wants You to Be reminds us that each and every person is fearfully and wonderfully made. Each one of us was created for a purpose, and God has packed us with everything we need to find our way.
If you have a friend, or loved one, that is searching for their place in this world, then I would recommend giving them a copy of You Can Be Everything God Wants You to Be. It also makes a great gift for graduates and college students.
It can be hard wandering through life, filling a role that you weren’t meant to fill. Max Lucado gives us the steps to re-evaluate our world, unpack the bag of skills and abilities God has placed within us, and use these clues to find our sweet spot.
After all, life is much sweeter when you find your spot.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”