Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Greatest Investment A Church Could Ever Make!!!

In my opinion, one of the greatest inventions in the world today is Bible Quizzing. What greater investment could we – the New Testament Church – make other than implanting the word of God directly in the hearts and minds of our children?

Solomon said it best,

“Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

–Proverbs 22:6 –

Bible Quizzing is the only program that completely fulfills the commandment of Deuteronomy 6:7,

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children,
and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house,
and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou
liest down, and when thou risest up.”

Diligently means: to be attentive, persistent, a constant effort to pursue something with painstaking attention.

The Aramaic word used for diligently in this scripture is Shanan, which is defined as: intensively, to pierce, to implant by repeated statement or admonition; to teach persistently.

God is telling Israel, through Moses, that the words of God are not merely meant to be read on various occasions….

Rather, it is the duty of every mother, of every father, to make a painstaking effort to intensively implant the words of God into the hearts of their children by repeatedly talking about them, admonishing them, and teaching them with painstaking attention.

I have found no other program that does this greater than Bible Quizzing!

It is the word of God that keeps us from sin (Psalm 119:9-11)

It gives us joy (Jeremiah 15:16)

It is powerful (Hebrews 4:12)

It is never failing and eternal (Matthew 24:35) (Mark 13:31) (Luke 21:33)

And in Psalm 138:2 David states,

“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

Of a truth, there is nothing greater a mom or dad could do for their child than to teach them diligently about the word of God.

Every home should have a Bible Quizzer.

Every church should have a Bible Quiz team.

Mom and dad, if your child is not in Bible Quizzing I would strongly urge you to investigate its profitability, you will find no other investment with a greater return.

Pastor, if your church does not have a quiz team, I would strongly urge you to look into starting one. What greater thing could you do for the kids in your church than to provide the means for the word to get deep within their hearts!

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children…”

Two weeks ago, my son started Bible Quizzing. I could not be prouder. In 14 days, he has already learned 12 scriptures!

Tonight I videoed him quoting his verses, how awesome it is to hear such a young child speaking the very words of life.

Bible Quizzing!

There’s nothing GREATER!

He got all the way up to verse 27 - which he learned today - he struggled with the last one, but eventually he got it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A rightside up answer for an upside down world

If you read the latest headlines, watch the latest news, listen to the pundits on the radio, or survey the political and culture scene it is evident that we are living in a time where good is called evil and evil is called good.

Sometimes our lives can feel as upside down as this world.

But that is the great thing about God! When our world is falling apart, he has the glue. When it is upside down and looks deplorable, he sees what it could be and has the power to turn it right side up.

Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.

God has the power to turn your world upside down and make it right side up!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Twilight of Harry Potter?

In 1997 author J.K. Rowling took the world by storm with the introduction of her wildly popular series of books about an underdog wizard and his band of friends. Today – after eleven years, seven books, five movies and $15 million dollars worth of merchandise and paraphernalia – Harry has successfully enchanted the hearts of children all over the world, and solicited the concern and animus of Christians.

And rightfully so….

For many years I have been an outspoken adversary of the book and movie franchise which depicts a wizard as a hero. The Bible speaks very plainly about witchcraft.

“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son
or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination,
or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.”

- Deuteronomy 18:10 -

“And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand;
and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:”

- Micah 5:12 -

“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”
- Exodus 22:18 -

And of king Manasseh God said,

“But did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD,
like unto the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD
had cast out before the children of Israel
. "
- II Chronicles 33:2 -


“he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.”
- II Chronicles 33:6 -

And in the New Testament God said,

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations,
wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:
of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past,
that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
- Galatians 5:19-21 -

God does not hide his feelings regarding the sin of witchcraft. It is tantamount to murder, hatred, adultery, alcoholism, and every other vile sin.

Unfortunately Hell has been successful in convincing many people that witchcraft and divination are superstitions of the past, and the only reality of its existence today is what we see in movies, books, and television.

I was dumb founded the day I surveyed our preteens and found that not one of them believed in the reality of witchcraft. Even those raised in our Sunday school believed it was only fantasy and nothing to be concerned about.

Survey your kids and see if you get similar results.

Hollywood and other entertainment mediums, have painted witches, and other hellish spirits, as make believe. When we think of a witch, we get the distorted image of a greenish figure dressed in black apparel with a long pointy, warty, nose. Since that is the antithesis of what actual witches look like, we tend to not recognize them in society and eventually disbelieve they exist at all.

Hollywood has been on the forefront in promoting this deception, and they’re at it again.

Today another vile movie targeting preteens is being released. This time it isn’t a witch or wizard that has come to enchant our children. This time it’s a vampire.


Move over J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer is the new author to put pen to paper and recreate and evil to make it good. Twilight is a vampire/romance story that includes a teenage girl and a 17 – going on 100 – year old male vampire named Edward.

Released in 2005 Twilight has made its way into preteen hearts and is sucking the blood out of Potter’s reign as the supernatural evil turned good guy for kids. It has been followed by three sequels already and makes its way to the silver screen today.

There is a danger in this kind of fantasy. The Bible prophecies of a day when evil will be called good, and it is movies like these that serve as a clarion call that we are living in that day.

I’ve heard it many times before, “but Harry is a good wizard.” Now it’s “but Edward is a good vampire trying to beat his natural tendency to do evil.” I’ve even heard some liken it to the Christian struggle against the flesh. We must never forget that these movies DO NOT depict good vs evil. What ever the fictional intentions of a wizard or a vampire, both are inherently evil in the sight of God.

These movies are not about good vs evil, they are about a lesser evil vs a greater evil. However, in the eyes of God they are ALL evil.

A person once told me, “its just entertainment.” Unfortunately that is not true. It’s more than that. First, as Christians we should not allow the evil abominations of this world, and of hell, to be our source of entertainment. Second, in my opinion, movies like these only reinforce the inability of many to distinguish between reality and fantasy. They continue to paint these evils as fiction and help to disconnect humanity from the reality of satanic spirits.

Because of a dropped guard, hell has dazzled, enchanted, and romanced its way into the hearts and lives of kids, teenagers, and adults alike.

The underlying theme of Twilight proclaims “Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Best.” The author’s intentions were to mimic Adam & Eve’s temptation for the forbidden tree through the unacceptable romance between a normal teenage girl and an underworld killer.

Curious as to why preteens would love this movie I asked parents why their girls longed to be bitten by Twilight. Unequivocally the answer was – The Romance.

They are enthralled by the romance of the story.

With the release of this movie, it would be a good time for children’s ministers, parents, and pastors to remind their kids that in this world there is no such thing as “good evil.” Abominations, no matter how innocent Hollywood makes them appear, are still damnable in the eyes of God.

It would also be a good time to remind them about the greatest love story ever told. About the man who loved them so much that he didn’t take their blood, but GAVE his, so that they may have eternal life.

If they are looking for romance, what better place to show them true love than to remind them about the lover of their souls.

If they are looking for a love story, what about the bride groom who defeated death, hell, and the grave so that they could be freed from the prison of sin?

Isabella & Edward, Harry & Hermione, Their love can not compare to the ultimate display of love found in Christ and the cross. Their love is carnal, but his is supernatural. Their love is rooted in evil – despite its appearance – but his love is the greatest act of mercy and grace mankind could ever know.

Their love ends at the end of the story. The love of Christ will be revealed throughout all eternity and lavished upon those who delight themselves in him.

Our world increasingly places pressure on our girls to conform to lasciviousness and promiscuity in order to satisfy their inherent need for love and romance. These movies only reinforce that ideal and compound it with the notion that they can find such fulfillment in the arms of the forbidden.

What our girls need today is a realization that true romance is found not in the arms of the ungodly, but in the purity of a Biblical relationship. They need to know that the source of that romance is the one whose very nature is love.

Harry Potter….


We live in a world where evil is called good, and good seems less than desirable. Our children are not immune to the fads and fantasies of this world. Unfortunately, like Lot, we live in a society that daily vexes the souls of those who love righteousness.

While we may not be able to do anything about the emergence of these movies, we can definitely combat them by reminding those they target that their essence is evil and their messages wrong.

Love is not found in the arms of the sadistic….

It is found in the bosom of God.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Five year olds pledge to accept homosexuality

What would be your first reaction if you arrived at the school to pick up your five year old, only to learn that he pledged to promote Homosexuality in his Kindergarten class?

He didn’t learn math that day. There were no discussions about language, phonics, or writing. He did not participate in activities that promoted the proper development of motor skills, nor did he learn about time or money.

No, today he was taught to accept Homosexuality as a normal lifestyle.

He barely knows the difference between male and female. He has just recently started grasping the dynamics of relationships. Yet today someone is teaching him that it is perfectly normal for Susie to have two mommies.

What would your reaction be?

Probably something akin to the reaction from parents of kindergartener’s at Faith Ringgold School of Arts and Science in Hayward, California. Two weeks ago Tara Miller, a Kindergarten teacher, passed out pledge cards to children in promotion of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) “Ally Week.”

Pledge cards.

It takes an act of congress to get a five year old to clean their room, yet she is pledging them to the acceptance of homosexual behaviors? It is clear that the ideology and behavior of Ms. Miller disqualifies her from having any type of educational role in the lives of children.

But I digress.

The cards that Ms. Miller distributed asked kids to pledge to "not use anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) language or slurs; intervene, when I feel I can, in situations where others are using anti-LGBT language or harassing other students and actively support safer schools efforts."

While on the surface such a pledge might sound like it promotes equality – which is a noble initiative – underneath it is just one of many GLSEN efforts to normalize homosexuality through indoctrination of the next generation.

On their website GLSEN states that part of their mission is

“to develop school climates where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes in creating a more vibrant and diverse community. We welcome as members any and all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or occupation, who are committed to seeing this philosophy realized in K-12 schools.”

In their public policy section GLSEN claims,

“GLSEN believes that all school employees need pre-service and in-service training that includes accurate information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues and people. GLSEN calls upon boards and administrators to provide these trainings for current school employees and those studying to enter the profession as part of comprehensive training.”

These quotes illustrate GLSEN’s commitment to see the homosexual lifestyle accepted by future generations through the systematic teaching of children in their formative years.

And GLSEN isn’t the only organization out there with this goal.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force joins the charge by directly opposing evangelical organizations, such as Focus on the Family, as well as ex-gay ministries that teach conversion from homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. They recognize that the best way to counter attack is to target youth and empower parents to educate their children on the normality of homosexuality.

You can read more on their game plan at http://www.thetaskforce.org/

The Gay and Lesbian movement have a well thought, organized, and passionately driven agenda to change the direction of our country and to normalize the homosexual lifestyle. They are determined and relentless in the pursuit of their goal. They are focused, active, and strategic with their initiatives.

They have a plan, and they are working their plan.

It is time for the church to step up. Unless we become just as relentless, unless we become just as focused, just as determined, just as organized, just as passionate about stopping this movement and establishing our children upon the purity of scripture, we will lose this struggle.

One of the most disturbing aspects of the Faith Riggold School story was a statement made by the district officials after being confronted about the incident. While they admitted that the pledge cards were inappropriate for kindergarten students, they tried to justify the existence of the cards by stating that the pledge cards “were intended for middle school and high school students.”

As if that’s any better.

There is a collaborated effort to indoctrinate our children with pro-gay and lesbian ideology in every level of education – from pre-school, through middle school, through high school, and even into college.

As of yet the school district has refused to answer whether or not they will take action against the behavior of this kindergarten teacher, Tara Miller. This is most troubling as it illustrates that school districts as a whole are accepting the teaching of pro-gay curriculum in their school buildings.

Do you know what your kids are learning?

I don’t believe this indoctrination is reserved for just Hayward California. I’ve heard of pro-gay and lesbian initiatives being enacted in schools here in the Houston area. It is a goal of organizations like GLSEN & the Task Force to push this doctrine in schools all over the country.

Pastors, children’s ministry workers, children’s pastors, do you know what the kids in your church are being taught when they walk into the classrooms of your local public school?

Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said that the parents of the kindergarteners in Ms. Miller’s class weren’t even aware of what was going to take place in the classroom. He said that it is common to find classrooms in California discussing gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender issues and parents not even be aware of the objectionable material being passed to their children.

When they should be learning reading, writing, and arithmetic; our schools are teaching our children to tolerate, accept, and embrace homosexuality as a normal lifestyle despite its unbiblical behavior and perverted mindset.

We will only turn this cultural tide when pastors fully grasp what the kids in their churches are facing, and respond with a passion.

The only way we can counter this pro-gay agenda is with passionate, anointed children’s pastors and children’s ministry workers, who will declare the word of God and define sin.

And, most importantly…

The first line in the defense against this aggressive pro-gay agenda is MOM & DAD.

Parents have got to rise to the occasion and become the primary teachers and instructors of their children in Biblical matters. It is time to shift away from the idea that the Sunday School department of your local church is responsible for the biblical teaching of children.

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” – Deuteronomy 6:7-

God designed it so that the parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. If mom and dad are silent on things that concern God, then the voice of the children’s pastor will be overshadowed by the silence of the parent.

I’ve experienced this tragic truth time and time again in my own children’s ministry.

The voice of my warning never registered in the ears of many kids because their parents refused to join their voice with mine in warning their children about the dangers of sin.

Parents it is time for us to take the reigns. We are the ones God will hold responsible for the direction of our children’s lives. We are the primary means of defense against this homosexual agenda.

If we do not rise to the challenge and teach our children, we will lose them to this worldly mindset.

GLSEN, the Task Force, the Democratic Party, and others are leading the charge to promote acceptance and normality of homosexuality and other anti-biblical values. The only way to win this struggle and secure our children is for pastors, children’s ministry workers, and – first and foremost – parents, to approach discipleship of kids with the same passion, intensity, and drive.

If we bring our “C” game, or even our “B” game to the court, then we will lose. They are bringing their “A” game….

Let’s show them what we’ve got!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Should HSM dance its way into your Kid's Church?

One of the biggest events in kid culture happened this past weekend.

Did you catch it?

In 2006 Disney aired its biggest Original Movie ever – High School Musical. During its preview week this fresh, new, preteen hip hop musical garnered over 7.7 million viewers!

It took the kid world by storm!

What started out as a low budget, made for TV movie, has turned into a multi-billion dollar franchise that covers everything from movies, t-shirts, posters, toys, Broadway spinoffs, Disney on Ice show, concerts, etc.

It is huge!

In 2007 Disney released HSM’s sequel which drew over twice as many viewers as its predecessor – $17.3 Million on the first night! Kids were hosting “High School Musical Parties” and inviting friends over to spend the night and sing along with Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan and the rest of the East High Wildcats.

Last Friday Disney released High School Musical 3. This time the show wasn’t launched on TV, but made its way to the big screen raking in more than $82 Million dollars in its opening weekend. That’s a lot of dough.

So, what makes High School Musical so popular?

Kids love the catchy songs, the fresh look, the high energy, and the pure fun of the films. Parents like them because they are relatively clean movies that reinforce core values such as friendship, hard work, loyalty, humility, team work, kindness, equality, and treating everyone as equals – regardless of popularity or perceived abilities.

Paul Asay, writer for Focus on the Family’s “Plugged In” movie reviews states, HSM3 salutes friendship, family, responsibility and opportunity. It embraces the idea of dreaming big?”

Whether you agree with movies or not, we must recognize that the High School Musical franchise is big. So big in fact, that it has made tremendous ripples on the sea of Kid culture that affects every elementary to high school age kid.

I guarantee, even in apostolic churches, that the majority of our kids have seen HSM 1 & 2, and will most likely see 3 some time in the near future.

Knowing this, what are your thoughts concerning the use of movies to illustrate Biblical principles of friendship, loyalty, accepting people despite their differences, hard work, maturity, selfishness, etc?

I’ve heard of churches using clips of High School Musical in Bible Studies and Kid’s Church lessons in order to illustrate a point with something the kids know and relate to.

Is there value in such a tactic?

I’m not promoting this idea, just opening the door for discussion. Whichever side you fall on, we must all recognize the major impact HSM has made in the world of Kids. If we let it go unanalyzed, we could potentially miss something that could give us a clue into the minds and interests of this generation of kids.

So please, comment below and let me know your thoughts. Would you use clips from HSM in your Kid’s Church or Bible Study? Would you use the popularity of this phenomenon to help convey Biblical truths? Is there value in it? Or does it take away from spirituality and Biblical teaching?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Praying with children at the altar - PART TWO

As a Children’s Evangelist, one of the things I wrestle with the most is the desire to give kids the Holy Ghost. I wish that every child, in every service, would receive the baptism of God’s Spirit.

I would often take this request to God, and before each service I would pray for God to fill kids with the Holy Ghost during the altar call. While I don’t believe there is anything inherently wrong with such a request, I realized one day that I was working to convince God to fill a child with his Spirit.

That is ridiculous!

God – in his own gentle way – reminded me one day in prayer that it was HE who had died for those children, NOT me. I realized at that moment what I was doing in prayer, and that I didn’t have to try and convince God to give someone the Holy Ghost…

He wants them to receive it more than I do!

HE died to give it to them!

When this simple revelation hit me, it created a paradigm shift in my thinking. I now understood that my purpose as a Children’s Minister was to get kids into the presence of God so that HE could do what he has purposed to do.

That is the goal of an altar service, to bring the children to a place where they can have an encounter with God and he is able to do in their hearts what he has purposed to do during that service.

Now, I said all that to say this – the steps that I am laying out in this post are those that my wife and I use when praying with a child to receive the Holy Ghost. Do they always receive the Holy Ghost? No. Not always.

There is no sure fire formula for getting kids to speak in tongues. There is no process, no procedure except to lead them through the Biblical plan of repentance and help them get to a place where God can do his thing.

That is your main goal as an altar worker. Lead them the Biblical way, and get them to God – he’ll do the rest.

So, how do you pray with a child at the altar?

If they want Jesus to give them the Holy Ghost

Ask them if they know what the Holy Ghost is: This may seem like a simple question, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of kids – even those raised in church - do not know exactly what the Holy Ghost is. When they hear Ghost, they think of Halloween or Casper, or the standard image that is associated with “Ghost.”

Explain to the child that the Holy Ghost is God coming to live in their hearts and that it is nothing to be afraid of. God loves them so much that he wants to live inside their hearts and he does that through the Holy Ghost.

Ask them if they know how to get the Holy Ghost: By the time a child gets to the altar, all they may know is that they need the Holy Ghost – after all, they have heard about it all service long.

But, they may not know how to receive it. Take the time to explain it to them. It is ok to stop a kid who is praying in order to make sure they have understanding. This will not quench the Spirit; instead it will focus the prayer.

Have the child raise their hands: Again, this step isn’t a necessity, but it teaches the child to be comfortable praying with raised hands, and encourages them to open up in prayer.

Ask if you can lay your hands on their head: Remember. It is very important that we mind where we touch a child during an altar service. Unless you are the parent of the child praying, I would recommend reserving your touching to their elbows – in order to support their arms – and their foreheads.

Always ask them if they mind you laying your hand on their forehead. We are not always privy to the history of each child and can inadvertently create uncomfortable feelings, even when our intentions are pure.

Lead them in repentance: Tell them that the Bible says that in order to receive the Holy Ghost we must first repent which means to ask God to forgive us for all the bad things we have done. Ask them if they have ever done things they knew they weren’t supposed to do; then tell them that is what sin is and we need to ask God to forgive us.

At this point I usually encourage the child to starting telling God about the things they have done wrong. If the child is praying, then I usually pray for them and ask God to give them a heart of repentance and Godly sorrow; if they are not praying, I usually lead them and give them direction on what to say.

Bro. Lloyd Squires, the Don of Children’s Ministry in our movement, suggests that we wait for tears. I agree. Tears are a good indicator that the child is getting in touch with God and is truly repenting. In all my experience I have only known one girl to receive the Holy Ghost without tears, and she was a unique case. Children are tender, and when we see the tears we know they are connecting.

Lead them in prayer: With kids it is often a necessity that those who are praying with them at the altar lead them in prayer. Many adults who come to the altar to pray do not have a clue on what to say or how to pray successfully. This is much more the case with kids.

It is ok to tell a child what to say during prayer. This shouldn’t be confused with teaching someone how to speak in tongues. The Holy Ghost can’t be taught – it is spirit directed, not man directed. However, we can give the child direction and give them words to speak. For example, I will often tell a child “talk to Jesus just like he is your best friend, because that is what he is. Tell him, ‘I love you Jesus,’ ‘I worship you,’ etc.” I’ve found that many times a child will take the direction and before long get into the groove of prayer and start praying themselves. Don’t be afraid to lead a kid in prayer, if they are left to try and figure it out on their own they won’t get it.

Additional Tips

Tell the kids what to expect: Kids don’t always know what to expect when the Holy Ghost begins to move on them. I often let them know that it is ok to say words that do not seem to make sense. I often see kids who will stop praying because they are trying to articulate their prayers when the Holy Ghost is taking control of their tongue and they feel like what they are about to say doesn’t make sense. Remind kids that when they start speaking in tongues, they won’t understand what they are saying and that they shouldn’t try to make their words sound like English.

Get them talking: Kids often have the tendency to come to the altar and just stand there with their head down and mouth closed. This is because they don’t know what they are supposed to do when at the altar. When praying for a child, make sure they are praying as well. God can’t cause them to speak in tongues if they aren’t talking. Admonish them not to just stand there, but to talk to God.

To illustrate this I often ask the kids if they have a best friend and what that best friend’s name is. I then ask if their friend has ever spent the night with them. When they say “yes,” I ask them if they just sit there and stare at their friend all night and never talk to them? This usually provokes a smile and a “no.” I inform them that praying is the same thing, Jesus wants to give them the Holy Ghost, but he can’t if they aren’t talking.

By leading a child in prayer we can help them learn what to say and how to pray. This is also true of kids who just cry when praying. I want these kids to feel the Spirit of God, so I try not to stop them from crying, but at the same time they can’t get the Holy Ghost without talking so I try to get them to talk and pray while they are feeling the moving of the Holy Ghost.

In conclusion

I want to remind you that a children’s altar call can vary drastically from an adult altar call. A lot of times, during an adult crusade, the altar call is given with high energy, emotionalism, and is filled with adults whose heart strings were pulled and conviction had set in during the preaching. While this is the case, at times, with kids as well, a lot of times it is not.

Kids have the unique ability to go from 0 to 60 in about 5 seconds when it comes to praying at the altar; they are sensitive and pure enough to do that. Often times when a child’s altar call is given, it may start off by looking like nothing is going to happen. I’ve felt this way before and God reminded me that he still has the power to create something, when nothing seems to exist. He reminded me that my job was to get the kids into his presence and that HE would do the rest.

If the altar call starts off and doesn’t look powerful, don’t let that fool or discourage you. Get in front of the kids and aggressively work the altar knowing that God WILL move. Once you get the kids to start responding to the Spirit of God, you will discover that what seemed to be a dry and powerless altar call is in actuality a powerful demonstration of God’s Spirit.

It may start off slow, but if you have faith and don’t give up then I guarantee that 45 minutes later, when the altar call winds to a close, you will have kids all across the altar weeping, praying, and full of the Holy Ghost.

I’ve seen it many, many times.

Now go pray those kids through, and may the Lord’s anointing be on you in Jesus’ Name! :)

If you have any questions, comments, or topics you would like to see discussed on Culture Watch please post a comment or send me an email at jcastorina@castorinaministries.com

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Praying with children at the altar - PART ONE

Traveling to various churches and events we are often asked the question, “How do you pray with kids at the altar?”

For a lot of people altar working is a confusing time during the service; especially when the altar is filled with kids. I’ve been told more than once by a well meaning adult that they really want to pray with the kids when they go to the front, but they just don’t know how.

When you consider the fact that a lot of Christians are stumped when praying for another adult during an altar call, it is pretty easy to understand why their trepidation increases when a child is the one seeking a spiritual encounter.

When I first started praying with children I know many of the thoughts I had to battle before I was confident in my altar working abilities. “What do you do if the kid won’t talk?” “Do they even understand what is going on?” “Do kids really know how to pray?” “How do I lead them in prayer in a way that they’ll understand?”

In this post I have outlined the process my wife and I use when praying with children. Hopefully the steps posted here will help others learn how to effectively work with children who are praying at the altar.

Before the Altar Call:

Psych yourself up: Before each service – whether I am preaching it or not – I begin by psyching myself up for the altar call. Remind yourself that there will be an altar call. Kids will respond, they will get the Holy Ghost, and you will be there to pray them through.

By psyching yourself up for the altar call you build your expectations of what is going to happen. When you expect the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and when you expect children to pray through, then your mind and heart will be ready when the outpouring starts.

Get into the service: It is easy for an adult to allow themselves to become disconnected in a service geared toward children. Fight that tendency! Just like in any service, if you are disconnected during the service it is extremely difficult to become connected during the altar call.

Get into the service. Sing the songs, do the motions, get into the preaching. If you are connected during the service, you will be connected during the altar call.

Get full of the Holy Ghost yourself: It is hard to transfer water from an empty vessel. It is also difficult to follow the spirit if the spirit is not in you. Season the period before the service with prayer.

Don’t walk into a children’s service dry and expect something to happen. Spend time in prayer before you walk into service and get full of the Holy Ghost yourself. When you are full of the Holy Ghost you will be successful in helping others become full of the Holy Ghost.

During the Altar Call:

Ask the child their name: Kid’s love hearing the sound of their own name. Use it often throughout the time you are praying with them. Using their name also helps focus the child on your voice and lets them know you aren’t just talking, but that you are talking specifically to them and that they should listen.

Ask the child what they want Jesus to do for them: It is easy to assume that a child, who is at the altar and seriously praying, is seeking the Holy Ghost. This isn’t necessarily true. Ask the child what they want Jesus to do for them and then listen to their answer. It will tell you where they’re at, and give you direction on how to lead them in prayer.

If they want prayer for something other than the Holy Ghost:

Have the child raise their hands: This step isn’t a necessity, but it teaches the child to be comfortable praying with raised hands, and encourages them to open up in prayer.

Ask the child if it is ok to lay your hand on their head: It is very important that we mind where we touch a child during an altar service. Unless you are the parent of the child praying, I would recommend reserving your touching to their elbows – in order to support their arms – and their foreheads.

Always ask them if they mind you laying your hand on their forehead. We are not always privy to the history of each child and can inadvertently create uncomfortable feelings, even when our intentions are pure.

Seriously pray for the request – even if it is funny: It is fine if a child wants Christ to do something for them other than give them the Holy Ghost. I’ve prayed with kids who were sad because their uncle had died. They didn’t want the Holy Ghost specifically, they wanted comfort. I’ve also prayed with kids who requested prayer for their “sick” pets. While it can be hard for an adult to take such a request seriously, we must remember that this need is very serious to the child and by filling their request we teach them that no need is too small for our great God to hear.

There is one thing I want to note about these “Non-Holy Ghost” requests. They often become door openers to kids getting the Holy Ghost. When you start praying for that uncle, or that pet, the kids will feel the moving of the spirit and they will respond.

ALWAYS pray a blessing over the child: After you have prayed for the child’s request, pray a blessing over the child. Ask God to cultivate a love for him in their heart. Plead the blood of Jesus over the child, and ask for God’s divine protection as they walk through this sin filled world. Ask God to plant a love for the word, and a love for prayer in their heart. Ask him to alleviate their fears, and fill them with peace and joy.

Let the Holy Ghost lead you in praying a blessing over a child. There have been many times when God has used this time to minister to a need the child has been dealing with.

Encourage them to keep praying and not stop: They may not have started off by seeking the Holy Ghost, but I have seen the “Non-Holy Ghost” prayers lead there. Once you are done praying a blessing over the child encourage them to continue praying. Ask them if they want Jesus to do something else for them and then start the process over.

The main goal is to bring the child into an encounter with God. Keep them praying at the altar as long as they want, they will stop if they think they’re done. Encourage them to keep praying. The longer they stay in the presence of God, the more likely they are to respond to that presence.

To be continued……….

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Please No Salvage!

Earlier today I toured the Ike stricken city of San Leon. A quaint little community located on the south east coast of Texas just miles from Galveston Island.

I grew up in Galveston County and have lived here all my life. I’ve weathered a few storms, but never in my life have I seen the type of devastation that has befallen the Texas coast.

Homes destroyed…

Possessions lost…

Lives overturned…

When you see the aftermath of such a massive storm as Ike, it reminds you that in many ways mankind is still insignificant. In the reality of it all we are powerless to resist the hand of God.

It’s as the psalmist said,

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him?”
-Psalm 8:4-

There is something humbling about a storm.

Storms are powerful things. They have the power to alter your life immeasurably and leave behind something completely different than what had existed before.

They have the power to tear down…

Root up…

Uncover things hidden beneath the surface that have lied dormant and unnoticed for years…

Ike was such a storm physically - blowing through the continental United States tearing down structures, uprooting trees, and uncovering treasures of antiquity lying beneath the sand and sea.

But there exists a greater storm; a spiritual one that comes not to mess up your stuff, but to change your life.

When the former passes it tears down homes, buildings, and structures. When the latter passes it tears down resolve, arrogance, and humanity.

The former uproots trees. The latter uproots conditions of the heart.

The former uncovers things hidden in the earth. The latter uncovers things hidden in the spirit.

The former leaves you destitute…

The latter leaves you reborn.

Job experienced this kind of storm. It came upon him suddenly and unannounced. He was going about his day as normal and then was sideswiped by a trial that would leave him broken, humble, and blessed.

At the start of the story Job is seen offering sacrifices for his sons in the event they had sinned that day. We never read of Job offering a sacrifice for his own sins.

At the start of the story Job is seen standing resolute and firm in his own righteousness.

At the start of the story Job is confident and sure of his deliverance.

At the start of the story Job is strong.

Then the storm came…

First it knocked over his stuff. It killed his family. It struck his body, and it left him in dust. Then it struck his mind and heart bringing rejection, condemnation, and rebuke.

It was meant to challenge his integrity and expose his unfaithfulness. Yet, what Satan meant for evil, God meant for good.

God used the storm to expose the self righteousness and arrogance in Job’s heart. He never doubted his faithfulness and integrity. He didn’t agree to allow Satan to touch him in order to prove a point.

No, he saw the sin creeping into Job’s heart and sent a storm to purge his child.

At the end of the storm Job stands before God and abhors his own righteousness (Job 42:6).

At the end of the storm Job weeps at the thought of his own arrogance.

At the end of the storm Job sees what was hidden for so long under the surface. He sees what was made manifest by the storm. He now understood the purpose of the trial, and he recognized what God was doing with the wind and the rain.

He was arrogant and self righteous (Job 32:1) and he now realized that God had sent the storm to destroy his self reliance, uproot his pride, and uncover his sin (Job 34:5, 9,35, 37).

Before the storm Job stood absolute in his own self righteousness, but the storm shook up his serenity and exposed what lied deep within his heart.

Job realized something very important about a storm,

“I was at ease, but he hath broken me…”
-Job 12:16-

Job realized that the storms in our lives have the power to change us. The spiritual storms we face are used by God to bring us to a place of brokenness and anointing.

As one man said, “Before God can greatly use a man - he has to greatly hurt him.”

Hurricane Ike has come and gone. The devastation he left was tremendous. Galveston is in shambles – San Leon ruined. Dickinson, Bacliff, Texas City, Orange, Houston, Santa Fe, Alvin, etc have all felt the damaging affects of a more powerful than normal Cat 2 Hurricane with a 13 ½ storm surge.

Yet we will rebuild…

We will recover…

But we will never be the same…

That is the purpose of the storm; to bring us to a place of brokenness and humility so that God can reveal himself to us in a greater light.

When we allow the winds and waves to crash against us and we bow under the pain of the storm it is then that we can lift our burdened eyes and claim with great revelation,

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.”
-Job 42:5-

The storm comes to diminish us and to reveal him. God uses the storm to change us, break us, and rebuild us. Let us never fear the storm. Let us never curse its coming.

Instead, when I consider the purpose of the storm...

My prayer is the echo of a paint stained board.

“Lord, please no salvage. Leave nothing of my humanity behind. Destroy me, tear me down, uproot my heart, and uncover my sins.

Break me Lord...

Then build me up again.”

Monday, September 8, 2008

Better Than Spiderman!

Growing up my favorite super hero was Spiderman. The reason I liked Spiderman wasn't because of his web slinging abilities, his keen sense of discernment, his knack for sarcasm, or his insanely scientific brain. No, the reason I liked Spiderman was because he was real.

Now don't get me wrong - I don't really believe there exists a radiation induced human arachnid swinging above New York in blue & red tights. When I say he's real, I'm referring to the struggles he faced in his stories; the obstacles, conflicts, and emotional barriers he was forced to overcome on an almost daily basis.

Take Superman for example, he is the man of steel. The champion of truth, justice, and the American way. He is a model of self sacrifice and servitude. However, he is practically invincible; and the only internal conflict we see in him is his indecisiveness over whether or not he should reveal his identity to Lois Lane.

Peter Parker (Spiderman) is an average kid - nothing special about him. He wasn't popular, he wasn't an athlete, scholar, or Mr. outgoing. He faced low self - esteem, guilt, insecurities, grief, pain, etc. Every emotion that real humans feel day after day. What made him a hero was that he always overcame them - no matter how strong the temptation was to give into himself - and did what was good, decent, and right.

Even Stan Lee - the creator of Spiderman - admitted that when he created the character he intentionally left out all the pizzazz commonly found in comic book super heroes.

The reason...

He wanted to make a character real humans could relate to. That is the charm of Spiderman, he is someone who faces ordinary stuff and overcomes them with the help of extraordinary abilities.
Ok - enough about comics, let's get to the real issue.

Our kid's today look for heroes.

Unfortunately far too many of our children seek their examples out of the pit of pop culture. The role models found there are molded in the image of Hollywood, the music industry, or the sports arena. As a result our children grow up seeking to fit those images. I see it every day in the lives of children I work with. They've made heroes out of Harry Potter, Hannah Montana, Jamie Lynn Spears, etc.

The problem is that these role models do not portray how a person should deal with life. They present a picture perfect world where no rules apply and no consequences exist. They portray a lifestyle of promiscuity, drug abuse, rebelliousness, irresponsibility, and unaccountability.

In the world of Hollywood there are no real problems, and no real need for heroes....

However in this world troubles come. Pain comes, insecurity comes, and we are ultimately accountable for the consequences of our decisions. For these reasons - and others - it is important for our children to have real heroes who can give them an example of how to overcome this world.

Now I'm not preaching that we should turn our kids toward Spiderman, but there is another hero that we can relate to. In fact, I read somewhere that this hero has the ability to be touched by our infirmities. His x-ray vision sees the thoughts and the intents of our hearts. His super human strength is greatest when we are weak. He is faster than a speeding bullet when it comes to delivering us; and his grace is able to leap and cover the tallest trash heap of sin.

This hero is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ!

Our kid's need to be shown that Christ is the only true hero worthy of admiration. I know that is a simple statement,

But the fact is....

A lot of children fail to look at Christ in such a manner.

They know about Christ, and they even know they are supposed to love him - they have listened in Sunday school - but for a lot of kid's the truth of Christ never hits home.

I'm always amazed when I ask kid's why they should love Jesus, or why they should worship Jesus, and their responses are stares of confusion. Some just don't know why they ought to love Christ.

However, you ask them why they like "so and so" and they can identify the aspect of that person that appeals to them.

Two years ago at South Texas Kidz Kamp our theme was "The Real Super Heroes." It was incredible to see 9, 10, & 11 year olds responding to the idea of Jesus being more than just an awesome God - he is a real life hero that knows what we face and has the power to deliver us from our real life junk!

We showed them that their pastors, their moms & dads, their Sunday school teachers, children's pastors, elders, etc are real heroes with real abilities to show them the way! When they understood that they had real "flesh and blood" heroes at their disposal it changed the way they interacted with God. On the third night the power of God was so strong that we never reached the preaching!


Because when these children realized they had a hero with real powers to help them, they sought him with all their hearts!

For HOURS these kids prayed!

We saw a repeat the next weekend at a Holy Ghost rally; and again a few weeks later at our district family camp! The kids were presented with the ultimate super hero and they responded with heart felt love and adoration - which is the definition of worship. Why am I saying all this? It's not to belittle, criticize, or lecture. Rather, it is to illustrate that if we take the eyes of our children off this world and focus them on the aspect that God is not just God...

But is THEIR God...

Their own personal hero with the ability to help them...

Then our children will respond with worship and a deep devotion to God.

How do we instill true affection for Christ in the hearts of our sons and daughters? By making Christ relevant to their lives & needs. By exposing the fallacy of pop culture and showing them that true heroes don't prance around on stages, or dunk winning goals.

Instead, the only true hero in this world suffered death so they wouldn't have to. He took nails so they could have life. He took strips for when they got sick. He took chastisement for their peace. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief so that he could help them with their hurts and their sorrows.

Jesus Christ...

He's more than a God...

He's our super hero!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Daddy, I'm a princess.

“Daddy, I’m a princess….”

Were the words she spoke as she walked up to the couch were I lay. She had on a beautiful dress and play shoes. Her little purse dangled from her left elbow as she brushed away the blonde bang that covered her eyes.

“That means I have to use this!” she said bright eyed and smiling as she held up a plastic credit card she recently discovered tucked away in the pocket of the previously noted purse.

Both amazement and trepidation swept over my heart when I realized what she was alluding to. I quickly swept her up in my arms – at the same time swiping the plastic card and tossing it under the couch – and gave her a quick tickling storm.

“You’re a princess huh?” I asked as I grabbed a finger full of “turkey leg.”

I gave her enough pause to catch a breath and respond. She nodded her head with a huge smile.

She was my princess.

She is my princess.

Today she turns three. It is so young, yet it seems so old. Where did the days go? What happened to the nights? One moment I’m cradling a tiny baby wrapped in a blue, pink, and white hospital blanket and the next moment I’m sitting on the couch with Cinderella.

I’m looking at her now,

Playing with her princess book,

Wearing her princess pajamas.

Scolding the dog…. :)

Oh what wonderful years the last three have been; truly a blessing from the Lord. It amazes me when I see how fast kids grown.

One day she’ll be all grown up, she’ll meet some guy who will never be good enough and he’ll take her away from me.

But today she is three…

Today she is mine…

So I think I’ll turn of the computer now and dance with a princess tonight….

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Biblical Answer for Nancy Pelosi...

This past Sunday, the Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi, appeared on MSNBC’s “Meet the Press.”

After discussing gas prices, energy, and Iraq, Tom Brokaw breached the subject of Abortion with a question about the recent Saddleback conference hosted by California pastor Rick Warren.

“Senator Obama saying the question of when life begins is above his pay grade, whether you're looking at it scientifically or theologically. If he were to come to you and say, "Help me out here, Madame Speaker. When does life begin?" what would you tell him?”

Pelosi’s answer……

“I would say that as an ardent, practicing Catholic, this is an issue that I have studied for a long time. And what I know is, over the centuries, the doctors of the church have not been able to make that definition. And Senator--St. Augustine said at three months. We don't know….

….I don't think anybody can tell you when life begins, human life begins.”

Ms. Pelosi’s response is heartbreaking….

It is also incorrect…

The Speaker’s first mistake was looking to doctors for the answer of when life begins. Since there isn’t a man on this earth who has the power to create life, there isn’t anyone truly adequate to decide its inception.

Advances in technology show us more evidence than ever before that life is present in the womb even during the first trimester. I remember the first time my wife and I heard our son’s heartbeat. It was during the first trimester, and I can recall wondering out loud how anyone could honestly question the existence of life when the sound of life was so clear.

That was only four short years ago. Since then, new technology has emerged that allows expecting parents to see a 4D image of their baby. With this technology, I find it unimaginable that anyone can still question the reality of life before the 23rd week.

Yet they do….

Ms. Pelosi, if you truly desire to know the answer to the question “When does life begin?” then you must first look to the word of life, not the doctors.

The scriptures speak very plainly about the subject of abortion.

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,”
-Exodus 21:22-23-

The aborting of a child is something God takes very seriously….

In the eyes of selfish man it may be considered a choice….

But in the eyes of God it is considered murder….

Ms. Pelosi, the answer that you should have given was that life begins at the moment of conception…

For an, “ardent,” & “practicing” Christian there really is no other answer….

Saturday, August 23, 2008

American Kids "Idolize" Idol!

What does American Idol, Dora the Explorer, & Mickey Mouse have in common?

… They are included in the top most watched television shows among preschoolers. Yep, you guessed it. According to Neilson ratings, the #1 show most preschoolers watched in 2007 was…

Are you ready for this?

American Idol!

I couldn’t believe it when I first read it myself. Then I thought about it for a second and it began to make sense why kids would be drawn to the reality show.

1. Kid’s love singing and music
2. The excitement and the action of the show is high energy
3. Their parents are into it and kid’s love anything their parents love.

Now, I don’t want anyone to misconstrue my position here. I’m not endorsing American Idol, nor am I in anyway condoning it as a children’s show. I’m merely discussing a topic that is affecting kid culture.

Whether we like it or not, our kids today are plugged in to the world around them and the television shows and movies that are “the thing.” Even those who are being raised without a television are not completely immune to the cultural impact of TV and movies. I’ve observed this first hand and know the realities of it.

I’m not condoning it. But neither am I ignoring it.

Apparently American Idol is a big hit in kid culture. Last year over 40 million kids, ages 6 – 11, cast their ballots in Nickelodeon’s “Kid’s Choice Awards” and named the pop reality series “Favorite Show.”

But not all kids are in favor of such a label. Deagle, age 13, notes “Just another stupid, meaningless pop star 10 year old girl show…”

He may be right.

Glinda, age 10, had a completely different opinion “I LOVE this show! It's exciting and suspenseful!”

Whatever your take on Idol is, one thing is clear; Simon and the gang are moving to the next round in kids lives.

So, can this enigma of kid culture be used to convey some Biblical truth? Well, probably not directly since I wouldn’t consider anything Hollywood puts out as a medium for conveying anything Biblical.

However, a play off the title, and a reference to something kids are into, may work.

Something like “America’s Idle: A lesson on laziness” is a very relevant issue for kids today who are accustomed to video games, iPods, and the internet.

Hey, kids don’t even have to walk anymore. Now they have Heelys!


While American Idol tops the charts among kids – teaching that success comes through talent, appearance, and popularity. It might be a good time to remind the kids that true success in life comes through living for God and working hard.

“Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.”
- Proverbs 19:15 -

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Harry Potter Bares All...

"Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe says his nude scene in the play "Equus" is no big deal.

…That was the headline that launched the Fox news story about the 19 year old Potter star and his new play debuting on Broadway next month.

With recent reports of teen pop stars like Vanessa Ann Hudgens texting nude photos to friends, Jamie Lynn Spears getting pregnant at 16, and even Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus’ racy magazine photo shoot; it is easy to see how kids can form a nonchalant view of purity & morality.

As one 13 year old girl exclaimed, “it’s no big deal.”

More than ever we – the church – have our work cut out for us. Hollywood, liberal activists, and Hell itself have a definite agenda for our kids and they have worked that agenda faithfully and flawlessly for decades.

The only thing powerful enough to turn the cultural tidal wave is the word of God. It still brings light and shatters darkness (Genesis 1:1-5).

There is something amazing that happens when you mix worship & prayer with the word of God. It creates a threefold cord that is not easily broken; a cord that holds the heart of any person firmly in place and pointed towards Christ.

Across our movement I would like to see a greater emphasis placed on teaching children – not just Bible stories – but the unadulterated word of God. I would like to see a greater emphasis on Children’s Prayer Meetings. I would like to see a bigger push for our children to receive the Holy Ghost.

When we fill our kids full of God, and create that threefold cord of prayer, worship, and the word; then we can smile knowing they are securely fastened and will stay in place no matter how violent the winds of culture blow.