What would be your first reaction if you arrived at the school to pick up your five year old, only to learn that he pledged to promote Homosexuality in his Kindergarten class?
He didn’t learn math that day. There were no discussions about language, phonics, or writing. He did not participate in activities that promoted the proper development of motor skills, nor did he learn about time or money.
No, today he was taught to accept Homosexuality as a normal lifestyle.
He barely knows the difference between male and female. He has just recently started grasping the dynamics of relationships. Yet today someone is teaching him that it is perfectly normal for Susie to have two mommies.
What would your reaction be?
Probably something akin to the reaction from parents of kindergartener’s at Faith Ringgold School of Arts and Science in
Pledge cards.
It takes an act of congress to get a five year old to clean their room, yet she is pledging them to the acceptance of homosexual behaviors? It is clear that the ideology and behavior of Ms. Miller disqualifies her from having any type of educational role in the lives of children.
But I digress.
The cards that Ms. Miller distributed asked kids to pledge to "not use anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) language or slurs; intervene, when I feel I can, in situations where others are using anti-LGBT language or harassing other students and actively support safer schools efforts."
While on the surface such a pledge might sound like it promotes equality – which is a noble initiative – underneath it is just one of many GLSEN efforts to normalize homosexuality through indoctrination of the next generation.
On their website GLSEN states that part of their mission is
“to develop school climates where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes in creating a more vibrant and diverse community. We welcome as members any and all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or occupation, who are committed to seeing this philosophy realized in K-12 schools.”
In their public policy section GLSEN claims,
“GLSEN believes that all school employees need pre-service and in-service training that includes accurate information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues and people. GLSEN calls upon boards and administrators to provide these trainings for current school employees and those studying to enter the profession as part of comprehensive training.”
These quotes illustrate GLSEN’s commitment to see the homosexual lifestyle accepted by future generations through the systematic teaching of children in their formative years.
And GLSEN isn’t the only organization out there with this goal.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force joins the charge by directly opposing evangelical organizations, such as Focus on the Family, as well as ex-gay ministries that teach conversion from homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. They recognize that the best way to counter attack is to target youth and empower parents to educate their children on the normality of homosexuality.
You can read more on their game plan at http://www.thetaskforce.org/
The Gay and Lesbian movement have a well thought, organized, and passionately driven agenda to change the direction of our country and to normalize the homosexual lifestyle. They are determined and relentless in the pursuit of their goal. They are focused, active, and strategic with their initiatives.
They have a plan, and they are working their plan.
It is time for the church to step up. Unless we become just as relentless, unless we become just as focused, just as determined, just as organized, just as passionate about stopping this movement and establishing our children upon the purity of scripture, we will lose this struggle.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the
As if that’s any better.
There is a collaborated effort to indoctrinate our children with pro-gay and lesbian ideology in every level of education – from pre-school, through middle school, through high school, and even into college.
As of yet the school district has refused to answer whether or not they will take action against the behavior of this kindergarten teacher, Tara Miller. This is most troubling as it illustrates that school districts as a whole are accepting the teaching of pro-gay curriculum in their school buildings.
Do you know what your kids are learning?
I don’t believe this indoctrination is reserved for just
Pastors, children’s ministry workers, children’s pastors, do you know what the kids in your church are being taught when they walk into the classrooms of your local public school?
Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said that the parents of the kindergarteners in Ms. Miller’s class weren’t even aware of what was going to take place in the classroom. He said that it is common to find classrooms in
When they should be learning reading, writing, and arithmetic; our schools are teaching our children to tolerate, accept, and embrace homosexuality as a normal lifestyle despite its unbiblical behavior and perverted mindset.
We will only turn this cultural tide when pastors fully grasp what the kids in their churches are facing, and respond with a passion.
The only way we can counter this pro-gay agenda is with passionate, anointed children’s pastors and children’s ministry workers, who will declare the word of God and define sin.
And, most importantly…
The first line in the defense against this aggressive pro-gay agenda is MOM & DAD.
Parents have got to rise to the occasion and become the primary teachers and instructors of their children in Biblical matters. It is time to shift away from the idea that the Sunday School department of your local church is responsible for the biblical teaching of children.
“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” – Deuteronomy 6:7-
God designed it so that the parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. If mom and dad are silent on things that concern God, then the voice of the children’s pastor will be overshadowed by the silence of the parent.
I’ve experienced this tragic truth time and time again in my own children’s ministry.
The voice of my warning never registered in the ears of many kids because their parents refused to join their voice with mine in warning their children about the dangers of sin.
Parents it is time for us to take the reigns. We are the ones God will hold responsible for the direction of our children’s lives. We are the primary means of defense against this homosexual agenda.
If we do not rise to the challenge and teach our children, we will lose them to this worldly mindset.
GLSEN, the Task Force, the Democratic Party, and others are leading the charge to promote acceptance and normality of homosexuality and other anti-biblical values. The only way to win this struggle and secure our children is for pastors, children’s ministry workers, and – first and foremost – parents, to approach discipleship of kids with the same passion, intensity, and drive.
If we bring our “C” game, or even our “B” game to the court, then we will lose. They are bringing their “A” game….
Let’s show them what we’ve got!
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