Children’s Ministry is changing! Not only do our kids grow and the needs of the family change, but so must our ministry and the means by which we reach this new generation. Gone are the days of felt boards, and sitting quietly in Sunday school. We have now entered the age of Playstation, Power-Point, and roller skate tennis shoes.
Here are the top 6 positive trends we have identified as growing within the UPCI. These trends will impact your ministry and increase your effectiveness in reaching for the children of this world.
For years many churches approached children’s ministry in the same way they did 20 or 30 years ago. There are a growing number of churches realizing that we can not reach this new generation with old mindsets. Whereas children once had the ability to sit at tables and work through lessons, kids today need the constant activity and hands on interaction that many churches are turning to. Group Publishing, a leader in Children’s Ministry resources, caught this trend and published their “Hand’s on Bible Curriculum” for Sunday school. It has been a tremendous success. Another engaging curriculum is “Kid’s on the Move” published by Church on the Move in Tulsa OK. Both of these resources use a hands on approach that takes kids from just hearing the word of God, to experiencing the word of God.
Also, The UPCI's Word Aflame Publishing offers a distinctly Apostolic Kid's Church and Sunday school curriculum that promotes hands on teaching, and involves students in all activities, while at the same time teaching Apostolic doctrine.
This trend continues in the spirit of trend #1. When competing against game systems, television, and videos, churches have discovered that traditional methods are no longer efficient. Because of this many Children’s Ministry leaders have found ways to include power-point, video, and other media in their kid’s church services. (Please see video below)
A multi-media Ministry is highly engaging, but not necessarily more effective than a ministry that can not afford the bells and whistles. What is truly important is for your Children’s Ministry to have a staff that engages the children and forms strong relationships with their kids.
A growing trend that is revolutionizing the way churches minister to children is something that is so basic and biblical that many have underestimated its importance for generations. Our society has the mindset that it is the responsibility of our local school system to educate our children. Many feel that only well trained, professional, teachers are qualified to properly educate our kids.
This mindset has permeated the church. Many feel that the responsibility of instructing our kids in the ways of God falls primarily to the Sunday school teacher. However, this mindset is changing as parents are beginning to see the importance of being involved in the spiritual instruction of their children. In many churches the Children’s Ministry is taking a supportive role and working to equip parents with the tools to effectively teach their Kids. Churches that find ways to include parents will increase the effectiveness of their ministry by leaps and bounds.
Unfortunately the closer we get to glory, the deeper in sin this world must fall. It is becoming more and more common to turn on the radio, open the news paper, or log onto the internet and read about another abduction or abuse case. This unfortunate sign of the times is what has prompted trend number four. Many churches have recognized the need to create policies to safe guard our children. By utilizing a “check in” system, as well as adhering to proper teacher-student ratios and doubling up on bus ministry runs, churches are increasing their awareness of safety needs and taking the proper steps to protect their children from abuse or abduction, and their teachers from wrongful allegations. Creating a safety policy is a smart decision that every church should make.
Bus ministry has always been a popular form of child evangelism. However, we are seeing a new trend approaching on the horizon. Kid’s street services are being found to be an extremely effective way of reaching the children in our communities. For many years churches have hosted “back yard Sunday Schools,” but lately more and more churches are catching on to this innovative outreach.
With exciting music, high energy games, puppets, candy and other activities, our churches are finding that hosting a street service is a highly effective means to promote your church and its Children’s Ministry. During these events, if you send your staff to walk the kid’s home and get their information from Mom & Dad, it becomes a great way to build your bus ministry!
To me this trend is the most exciting. For FAR TOO MANY YEARS Children’s Ministry has sat on the back burner of many churches. Most of a church’s time, attention, and resources went toward reaching the teenagers, and adults. More and more churches are realizing that by reaching out to children they are growing their church! It has been said many times, “Save an adult and you save a soul. Save a child and you save a life.”
In a recent Barna Research study they found that only 1 out of every 7 senior pastors listed Children’s Ministry as a priority in their church.
1 out of every 7!
This is staggering when you think about the fact that our greatest chance of influencing someone to live for Christ is between the ages of 5 and 12! Many churches, especially our home mission churches, are discovering that by reaching the children they are able to reach the entire family. No longer is Children’s Ministry only a “necessity” it is now becoming a priority!
If, as Children’s Ministry workers, we do our jobs right; then that makes it easier for the youth pastor, and eventually the pastor, to do their jobs. We are the first line of assault when it comes to Children. What we teach them and what we instill in them will shape their beliefs, values, and ideas for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!
The question is not “Are children important in my church?”
It is “Are children a priority in my church?”
The answer to that question greatly determines how effective our church and Children’s Ministry will be in reaching the future generation. If we approach kids as anything other than a priority, we should not be surprised when they choose something other than God.
Because the world understands the importance of making them their priority and it has put into motion many things to influence the children to live worldly and humanistic lives. Looking at the world objectively, there is no other area of ministry fought harder than the field of our Children. Hell is doing everything in its power to remove God from their lives, teach humanistic doctrine, normalize sin, and degrade the family structure, all for the purpose of influencing our children - the future generation.
The church is the only entity that can defeat the game plan of Hell. Left unchecked Hell will prevail; left un-reached we will lose our children. It is imperative that each church make Children’s Ministry a priority if they wish to be effective in influencing the next generation for Christ.
Below is a video segment I use in kid's church - as well as rallies, camps, and crusades. I call it "Bro. Joe's Toy Stories." It is a simple concept using toys to tell a Biblical story or illustrate a Biblical principle. I got the idea from Karl Bastian - The Kidologist. It is a lot of fun and kids absolutely love them.
I would love to hear how you incorporate media into your Kid's Church. Please comment below and share your ideas!
Very nice article here. Thanks.
I am really loving your blog. The info here is wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to help others.
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